
Starting as a picture book, The View transforms into an electrifying animated short film by Swedish Director and Pixar Animator Alli Sadegiani. Currently in production and set to captivate audiences at festivals beginning in fall 2024.

Immerse yourself in a visceral audio-visual experience that draws you into the poignant diary of a boy navigating the complexities of identity, love, and belonging, all while traversing the delicate threads of our space-time continuum.
The soul-stirring music, crafted by Swedish artist Ayla, seamlessly intertwines with the narrative, becoming an integral part of the film’s very essence.

Prepare to be enthralled by a story that resonates with the depths of the human spirit.

Writer / Director Alli Sadegiani
Music by Ayla Adams / Photo Ali Jehad
Additional Music by Vau / Photo Moncef Henaien

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Writer / Director: Alli Sadegiani
Music: Ayla Adams
Additional music: Vau
Animation: Tahnye Littée, Giorgia Mckenna, Andrew Beall, Graham Finley, Alli Sadegiani
Editing / Compositing: Alli Sadegiani
Sound design by Adrian Maruri
Art Direction: Alli Sadegiani
Color Script: Leopold Baranowska
Storyboard / Layout: Alli Sadegiani
Title / Graphic Design: Leopold Baranowska
Backgrounds: Alli Sadegiani
Additional Background: Hugo Valcourt
Produced by: Jeremy Quist, Alicea Engquist, Alli Sadegiani
Executive Producer: Priscilla Snyder

Director Statement:

The View began as a simple picture book, but my vision was to elevate it into an electrifying animated short film, partially realized through the Pixar Co-Op Program. My goal is to create a visceral, immersive experience that pulls audiences into the intimate world of a young boy grappling with the complexities of identity, love, and belonging. As he navigates the fragile threads of the space-time continuum, we are invited to reflect on the delicate balance between self-discovery and connection.

The film’s evocative score, composed by Swedish artist Ayla, is not merely an accompaniment—it is the heartbeat of the narrative. The music flows seamlessly with the story, heightening every emotional beat and becoming a core element of the film’s soul. The View is a story that speaks to the human condition, one that seeks to resonate deeply with audiences and echo the profound journey of understanding who we are in an ever-shifting universe.