Written and directed by Swedish Director and Pixar Animator Alli Sadegiani, “THE VIEW” is a diary of a boy grappling with identity, love and belonging while exploring our fragile journey through the space time continuum.

In festivals starting fall 2024.

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With Music by Ayla Adams and Vau
Sound design by Adrian Maruri

Teaser Credit:

Writer / Director: Alli Sadegiani
Music: Ayla Adams

Animation: Tahnye Littée, Giorgia Mckenna, Alli Sadegiani

Title Effects Animation: Ken Kim

Editing / Compositing: Alli Sadegiani

Title / Graphic Design: Leopold Baranowska

Backgrounds: Alli Sadegiani

Additional Background: Hugo Valcourt

Produced by: Jeremy Quist, Alicea Engquist, Alli Sadegiani

Executive Producer: Priscilla Snyder