Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Award-Winning Director and Pixar Animator Alli Sadegiani Announces New Animated Short “The View,” Exploring the Complexities of 1980s Youth. Pixar animator and [Read More…]

It’s A Wrap!

THIS IS IT! We just went through a final quality control session at Pixar’s in-house theater before making a final Cinema Package for festival distribution. [Read More…]

Film Poster Reveal

Finally we can reveal our film poster! Designed by Leopold Baranowska. Pretty neat, huh?

Trailer Snap Shots

Snapshots of the trailer showing the color progression of the clip, laid out like a color script. Just like in the film, the color progression [Read More…]

Watch Festival Teaser

Written and directed by Swedish Director and Pixar Animator Alli Sadegiani, “THE VIEW” is a diary of a boy grappling with identity, love and belonging [Read More…]